Member Search Results

Your search criteria returned the following members, listed alphabetically by Organization Name:

Progress Rail, A Caterpillar Company

1600 Progress Drive
Albertville, AL 35950-8545
Main Phone: 800-476-8769

Primary Contact: Ms. Marise Stewart
Industry Segment(s): Communications and Signaling, Locomotive Component Parts, Maintenance of Way, Freight Car Component Parts, Passenger Component Parts, New/Rebuilt Locomotive Manufacturer, New/Rebuilt Freight Car Manufacturer, Freight Car Leasing, Freight Car/Locomotive Repair, Other
Product/Service Category(ies): Maintenance-of-Way Equipment, Other

Description: Offers reliable, durable, fuel efficient and emissions-friendly locomotives. Provides remfg of locomotive & railcar products, new & reconditioned parts for locomotives and railcars, new & used rail, rail welding, track work components, MOW equipment, & signal devices.

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