Member Search Results

Your search criteria returned the following members, listed alphabetically by Organization Name:

O'Neil & Associates, Inc.

495 Byers Rd
Miamisburg, OH 45342-3798
Main Phone: 937-865-0800
Fax: 937-865-0722
Primary Contact: Mr. Kelly Metcalf
Industry Segment(s): Other
Product/Service Category(ies): Other
Other Product/Service Category: Technical Manual Development

Description: For more than 75 years, ONEIL has been the most trusted resource for product support solutions to valuable equipment manufacturers. Our mission is to make equipment safer to use, faster to repair and easier to maintain. We make complex information easier to understand and apply to create a better user experience and improve business advantage for prime contractors and manufacturers across diverse industries. Our essential work extends the life of valuable, mission-critical equipment and improves the human experience. With solutions that range from technical documentation – guaranteed for government acceptance, training and eLearning programs, parts procurement, content management solutions to augmented reality capabilities. In total, no other company is backed by more experience than ONEIL. Or, more passionate about making information easier to use.

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