Member Search Results

Your search criteria returned the following members, listed alphabetically by Organization Name:

Kimball Railcar Services

207 Highway 55 West
PO Box 280
Kimball, MN 55353-0280
Main Phone: 320-398-6080
Fax: 320-398-6262

Primary Contact: Mr. Shawn Kalkbrenner
Industry Segment(s): Communications and Signaling, Freight Car Component Parts, Other, New/Rebuilt Freight Car Manufacturer, Freight Car/Locomotive Repair
Product/Service Category(ies): Doors and Door Latches, Fabricators and Fabrication, Maintenance-of-Way Equipment, Repairs / Service - Rail Car and Locomotive, Other

Description: M1003 M214 certified shop's, BI metal wear plates, located on CPRS program work and much more

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