Member Search Results

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BBM Railway Equipment, LLC

3200 Innovation Pl
PO BOX 779
Youngstown, OH 44509-4025
Main Phone: 330-259-8555
Fax: 330-259-8538

BBM Railway Solutions
Primary Contact: Mrs. Katie Denno
Industry Segment(s): Locomotive Component Parts, Freight Car Component Parts, Maintenance of Way, Measurement & Maintenance Systems, Passenger Component Parts
Product/Service Category(ies): Axels, Bearings / Bearing Related, Consulting Services, Flooring, Gears and Gear Cases, Jacks and Lifting Devices, Maintenance-of-Way Equipment, Wheels, Axels and Wheel Sets, Other

Description: As an OEM, BBM Railway Solutions provides expert engineering, manufacturing, servicing and refurbishment of rail vehicle and rolling stock assembly, maintenance and testing equipment. Our extensive range of equipment includes wheel-set presses, truck/bogie testing benches, car & truck hoist systems, drop table systems, turntables/transfer table systems, lifting and rotating equipment along with specialty and custom designed machines for rail maintenance and production facilities.

Our product line up consists of:
Single & Double Cylinder Wheel-set Presses
Truck/Bogie Presses & Testing Benches
Car Hoist & Truck Hoist Systems
Single Axle & Full Truck Drop Table Systems
Turntable & Transfer Table Systems
Portable Jacks & Lifting/Rotating Systems
Gravity & Pneumatic Sanding Systems
Specialty & Custom Equipment

In addition to the equipment we provide, BBM Railway Solutions also offers aftermarket spare parts and field service to help extend the lifecycle of our machines.

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