Member Search Results

Your search criteria returned the following members, listed alphabetically by Organization Name:

Duos Technologies

7660 Centurion Parkway, Suite 100
Jacksonville, FL 32256-0519
Main Phone: 904-296-2807

Primary Contact: Fei Kwong
Industry Segment(s): Communications and Signaling, Other, Measurement & Maintenance Systems
Product/Service Category(ies): Railcar Services/Brokerage, Communication and Signaling Systems, Construction Management and Inspection, Gears and Gear Cases, Maintenance-of-Way Equipment, Measurement Devices, Safety Equipment, Shipper, Slack Adjusters, Other

Description: We offer a variety of Engineered Solutions & Systems specific to both freight railroad and transit railroad. From imaging trains to securing critical infrastructure assets such as rail yards, bridges, tunnels and protecting the safety and welfare of transit passengers, our systems offer unparalleled performance and reliability to perform the objectives at hand.

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