Member Search Results

Your search criteria returned the following members, listed alphabetically by Organization Name:

Messiah Locomotive Service LLC

11303 Hwy 160 south
SPOKANE, MO 65754-9013
Main Phone: 417-354-4908

Messiah Locomotive service Jeremiah Erickson
Primary Contact: Mr. Jeremiah Erickson
Industry Segment(s): Maintenance of Way, Freight Car/Locomotive Repair, Passenger Component Parts, Locomotive Component Parts, Measurement & Maintenance Systems, New/Rebuilt Passenger Car Manufacturer
Product/Service Category(ies): Axels, Bearings / Bearing Related, Consulting Services, Contract Services, Education and Training, Maintenance-of-Way Equipment, Repairs / Service - Rail Car and Locomotive, Wheels, Axels and Wheel Sets

Description: All Locomotive,LRV, MOW and Speciality car Wheel Shop services.
Mobile Locomotive and MOW equipment Wheel truing.

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