RSI 2020 Online Conference

RSI 2020 Schedule of Online Sessions

Below is the schedule for the RSI 2020 online sessions, please note that the sessions are still being finalized. All sessions will be held in a webinar format via GoToMeeting. Attendees will receive a link with details on how to access the sessions after they have registered. You can register online here.

TECHNOLOGY BEST PRACTICES: For the best possible online experience, please run a GoToMeeting system check to troubleshoot before the conference begins.

Note: Times listed below are in Eastern Time.

Schedule of Sessions and Special Events

Tuesday September 22, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm RSI Advocacy: Making Washington Work for You - Hosted by the RSI Government & Public Affairs Committee - Join RSI's Government & Public Affairs Committee Chairman Harrison Wadsworth for a discussion on how federal advocacy initiatives led by RSI can impact your business.
Nicole Brewin
Senior Vice President Government & Public Affairs
Harrison M. Wadsworth IV
Director, Government Affairs

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm RTSA: The AAR's New Root Cause Analysis Course - Hosted by the Railcar Technical Services Association (RTSA) - The AAR's audit process and Corrective Action Process (7.1 findings and 7.2 responses) are receiving a great deal of additional scrutiny from the RSI Quality Assurance Committee and the RSI Tank Car Committee. Both committees expect the supplier to implement robust corrective action. This class will provide the student with some simple tools to help determine the root cause of a finding.
Lisa Stabler
MxV Rail

Wednesday September 23, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm RSI: Facility Certification Process - Hosted by the RSI Quality Assurance Committee - Learn from the collective knowledge of car builders, railroads, component suppliers and shippers, on how to achieve AAR M-1003 facility Quality Assurance certification in order to meet the growing demands of a national economy and ever progressing safety agenda.
Mr. David Ronzani
Director, Railcar Regulatory Compliance

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm History of Tank Car Regulations - Hosted by the RSI Quality Assurance Committee - Learn from the collective knowledge of car builders, railroads and shippers, in order to meet the growing demands of a national economy and an ever progressing safety agenda.

(1) Explain the history and importance of the MCBA, ARA, AAR, ICC, and DOT
(2) Explain the development and importance of safety systems
(3) Explain the development and importance of inspection and test.
James Rader
VP Management Services
The Greenbrier Companies

Thursday September 24, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm RSI: Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Workshop - Hosted by the RSI Quality Assurance Committee - Nondestructive testing (NDT) is a group of analysis techniques used in the rail industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. Because NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected, it is a highly valuable technique that can save both money and time in product evaluation, troubleshooting, and research. In this session, the presenter will demonstrate the correct processes for four common NDT methods - Visual, Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, and Ultrasonic Thickness - and the advantages and limitations of the methods.
James Dinell
Vice President, Technical Services
Mr. Christopher Dinell
Manager, Support Services

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm RSI: FRA Office of Safety Reorganization - Hosted by the Railway Supply Institute - The Federal Railroad Administration's Office of Railroad Safety promotes and regulates safety throughout the Nation's railroad industry. In June, the Office of Safety was reorganized. The office executes its regulatory and inspection responsibilities through a diverse staff of railroad safety experts.The staff includes nearly 400 Federal safety inspectors who specialize in one of six technical disciplines focusing on compliance and enforcement in grade crossings, hazardous materials, motive power and equipment, operating practices, signal and train control, and track
Karl Alexy
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety & Chief Safety Officer
Federal Railroad Administration
Nicole Brewin
Senior Vice President Government & Public Affairs

RTSA: Protective Coatings Committee Presentations - Hosted by the Railcar Technical Services Association - 1. Overview of Respiratory Protection Solutions for Coating Applications.
2. Tank Car Coating/Lining Qualification Programs: Requirements and Resources
Jim Molnar
Manager of Coatings R & D
Union Tank Car Company
Larry Strouse
Railroad Safety Specialist
Federal Railroad Administration
Scott Shinn
Applications Engineering Specialist
3M Rail Solutions

Friday September 25, 2020

11:00 am - 12:30 pm RSI-100 Product Certification / Material Inspection - Hosted by the RSI Quality Assurance Committee - The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has a new focus on tank car component quality and is holding facilities to a higher standard in the area of component quality and compliance. This newly created Voluntary Best Practice (VBP) is designed to assist component suppliers and AAR certified facilities in meeting the FRA's new expectations.
John Byrne photo John Byrne
Vice Chairman, Committee on Tank Cars
Anthony Sisto
Director of Design Engineering
GATX Corporation
Tom DeLafosse
Vice President, Technical Consulting
Salco Products, Inc.

Monday September 28, 2020

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm Supercapacitors, Locomotive Batteries and Starting Reliability - Understand the differences between batteries and supercapacitors and how supercapacitors can assist battery function for greater locomotive starting reliability. The session will also cover the safe use, drawbacks and long-term positive effects of supercapacitors on locomotives.
Viktor Gvelesiani
Director of Strategic Business Development
ZTR Control Systems
Mr. Peter Scholtens
Customer Relations

Tuesday September 29, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm RSI: Corona, Hand Wipes & Masks, Oh My! How to plan your Railway Interchange experience during the uncertainty of COVID-19 - Hosted by the RSI Exhibitor Advisory Committee - Are you planning to exhibit at Railway Interchange and wondering how events will change given the coronavirus? Are you wondering how exhibitors and show organizers can plan during this time of uncertainty? What is the ROI for going virtual? Join us at our panel as we discuss these issues and more.
Amanda Patrick
Leslie Czernik
Marketing Communications Manager
Ms. Tiffany Wenrich
Marketing Director
Holland, LP

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm RTSA: Asset Health & Modernizing Regulations for Safer and More Efficient Rail Transportation - Hosted by the Railcar Technical Services Association - 1. Asset Health: Technology can and will be the solution to previously unattainable industry safety and asset utilization statistics. Learn about the industry's efforts to reduce the time cars spend on repair tracks and drive safety improvements by adopting wayside and onboard technology to greatly improve the quality of equipment inspections.
2. Modernizing Regulations for Safer and More Efficient Rail Transportation: This session will provide information on the status of industry efforts to modernize regulations in light of competition from other modes.
Nichole Fimple
Executive Director Rules & Standards
Association of American Railroads
Mr Greg Deibler
Director, Asset Health
Association of American Railroads
Mr. Ron Hynes
AVP Technical Services, AAR
Association of American Railroads

Wednesday September 30, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm LMOA: Locomotive Engine Coolant Best Practices & Engine Fuel Economy Testing - Hosted by the LMOA Fuel, Lubricants & Environmental Committee - 1. Multigrade (SAE 20W-40) provides more fuel economy than monograde (SAE 40) at all conditions as the fuel economy benefit is higher at lower loads (lower notch). This protocol of stationary testing and statistical fitting overestimates the real-world benefit (but by a predictable amount)
2. Current locomotive coolant maintenance practices vary significantly among railroads compilation of current practices should raise awareness. Best practices and recommendations.
Fred Girshick
Infineum USA, L.P.
Steve Fritz
Manager, Locomotive Technology Center Powertrain Engineering Division
Southwest Research Institute

RSI: Digital Selling & Shifting Mindsets - Hosted by the Railway Supply Institute - Today's environment is shifting the mindset of many companies and quickly revealing the physical vs. digital gap between businesses. Although most companies understand the importance of digital engagement, many are overwhelmed by the idea and how to implement these changes.
John Hebert
Director of Communications & Member Relations
Jack Kiefer
Sweet Valley Venture

12:30 pm - 01:30 pm RSI Welcome & Keynote Address: Jim Foote (Rescheduled) - Please join Jim Foote, President and Chief Executive Officer of CSX Corporation, as he welcomes our virtual attendees and discusses key issues affecting their company. RSI's Nicole Brewin will also give an introduction to RSI 2020 and an overview of the railway supply industry.
Jim Foote
President & CEO
CSX Corporation
Nicole Brewin
Senior Vice President Government & Public Affairs

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm LMOA: Mechanical Committee Presentations - Hosted by the Locomotive Maintenance Officers Association - Best Practices on the AAR RP-589 Locomotive Compressor Mode & Intro to Variation
1. Best practices on controlling and measuring a 30 SCFM air leak and examples of changes to Net Traction Specific Fuel Consumption (NTSFC) with the addition of the air leak. A part of AAR's updated Rating for Specific Fuel Consumption of Diesel Electric Locomotives.
2. Gain an understanding of the concept of variation and the value of looking at variation over time. Learn how to ask questions that are more productive for learning and improvement in meetings that review performance results.
John Hedrick
Principal Analyst
Southwest Research Institute
Eric Dillen
Advanced Engine Technology Leader
Wabtec Corporation
Ian Bradbury
Peaker Services Inc.

Thursday October 01, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm LMOA: Electrical Maintenance Committee Presentations - Hosted by the Locomotive Maintenance Officers Association - Batteries continue to be a major issue for freight railroads and one of the topics will cover recommendations from the Battery Health Task Force Study on battery charging and use with Automatic Engine Start Stop Systems. On GE locomotives contactors that actuate the compressors for air can be problematic and potential solutions will be discussed. Specific topics include: Battery Health Task Force Study and Compressor Control Reliability Improvement for GE Locomotives

02:00 pm - 03:00 pm RTSA: AAR Interchange Rule Update - Hosted by the Railcar Technical Services Association - Understand the changes to the AAR Field and Office Manuals and examine their impact on internal systems and processes within companies. Discussion topics will include: the rewrite of Rule 125 and the Early Warning System, Rule 4 - Over Age Brakes in Cold Weather, and Appendix D.
Rick Koenig
Director Railroad and Industry Relations
Heidi Dyser
Manager, Mechanical Dept.
Union Pacific Railroad
Jamie Williams
Director of Car Administration
Norfolk Southern Corp
Nichole Fimple
Executive Director Rules & Standards
Association of American Railroads

Friday October 02, 2020

11:00 am - 12:00 pm LRW: The Art of Effective Storytelling In Business - Hosted by the League of Railway Women - In the world of marketing, content is king. The most compelling content engages your audience in a story. Communicating with your audience isn't just about product value or customer need, you need to engage with a compelling narrative that resonates with your readers. Every organization has a story to tell. Find out how you can capture attention and showcase your company values through the power of effective and emotive storytelling. You'll discover how to identify your story, learn what elements it should include and get tips for promotional strategy.
Colleen Burghardt
Marketing Communications Manager
ZTR Control Systems
Erika Bruhnke
Vice President of Training Services

Thank You To Our General Sponsors